Contact us


We would love to hear from you!

Please send us a message, an email or fill out the form here. Our normal response time is less than 24 hours.

+55 (21) 99658-0858



Route suggestions

If you would like route suggestions, please let us know:

- when you started climbing

- how often you climb

- if you climb outdoors or indoors

- the highest grade you climb comfortably, and

- if you have ever climbed multi-pitch.

Feel free to give examples of places and routes where you have climbed.

If there are two or more people in your group, please provide the above information for each member of your party.

If you don’t have any rock climbing experience, or if your experience is very limited, there is no problem! We are able to make great suggestions for everyone.

If you are confident in your choice, feel free to make your reservation directly on our website. We use Rezdy Booking Software to make booking easy and secure.